Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Adderall, strattera, ritalin????

Have you heard about these meds???
All i know is they give you a kick on your nerves system if you are an add type of person... but what does it do to normal people?... what are the side effects.
Well i'm not a doctor but i've done a bit of research and apparently... theae meda can fool your brain for hours to make u believe u dont need to eat... and that's probably the only side effect i care about... and it's actually a really positive one... anyways...
The bad thing about all this... is that you need a prescription unless you buy the generic types... which you can probably get at amazon or so... like adder xr (generic of adderall), or plain generic strattera.
I find it quite difficult sometimes coz i work more than 8 hours everyday... and i have to wake up at 5.30 am too... so i find ot quite difficult... to work on an empty stomach or even workout when i get home... and since im trying to leave mia behind and concentrate on ana... some of these products ... could certainly make me feel more alive... focus... and eat practically nothing... whereas some people might think it's crazy to think like this... i hope some might follow me in my journey and help me out a bit???

Have you guys tried any of these products?.... please help??? Do you know how i can get one of these without a prescription???
I'm all ears... or in this case.. all eyes...

Keep strong... think thin xxx


  1. Hey, so I had to take a drug called Concerta which I believe is very similar to ritalin, I dont have ADD or ADHD, I had to take them for a different condition. The first day I took it I felt like a zombie I just sat there doing nothing for hours and I didnt eat anything because I didnt feel hungry. Then for the next few weeks I continued to be kinda like a zombie and also not hungry at all, but if i did eat something, I would get ... digestive issues. The condition I have is a sleep disorder and while I was taking concerta I was not only a zombie who couldnt eat anything for fear that I would get awful cramps (and other problems), I was also suddenly an insomniac. There are many known side effects to these drugs (concerta and ritalin) like weight loss due to appetite suppression, inability to express emotions, suicidal thoughts, jitters,heart palpitations, etc. (I got all of those and they all stopped when i stopped taking it) and also ive heard about people starting to get hair loss on concerta, that never happened to me but it would suck. Concerta certainly gave a lot of energy, kept me awake and concentrated - it did what it said, but it has tons of side effects

  2. I took a pretty academic approach and read lots of different articles about nutrition, exercise, weight training, and so on and tried to weed out any pseudoscientific/useless stuff and suss out the common patterns to form my own plan of action. That way, I had a concrete plan that I trusted (I had vetted it, after all!) to follow, which made it much easier to stick to. You can find tons of articles and studies online, and if you go to the original source, you're not getting the influence of everyone trying to spin that information their own way.
