Thursday, August 8, 2013

Chia seeds! A gift from ana itself!

Hello guys!

Sooooo.... i found this marvelous secret and i thought it would be fair to share it with you! :)

What are chia seeds?
I didn't know them before... but it turns out they are mexican... which is incredible coz i live in mexico and they are so cheap. An ana friend from uruguay told me about them, and i went immediately the same day to get them and guess what they work too!

Like you've read on my other postst...i've been actually trying to quit fucking mia... and the greatest thing to stay ana is not being hungry... or at least reduce your appetite or calorie intake for that matter... which you can't do unless you have prescription meds! Which are hard to get... expensive... bad for ur heart...etc.

All the other shit doesn't work!


What do chia seeds do?

You put a table spoon in a cup and you fill it with water... you mix them every few minutes for 30 mins...
Then they turn into a thick flavorless gel (coz they expand 10x their size)
You drink it and your automatically feel less hungry!!!!! So you don't have to eat much more ...great isn't it?
You can make a lemonade with them for the taste. It's a bit gross at the begining but you get used to it... and it's so damn worth it!! Specially for fasting anas with growling stomaches lolz.
They also make you pee like hell... they lax you... they recover the tissue in your stomach from purging... they reduce cholesterol in your blood, they have calcium... they are a true gift from ana itself!!!! :)

I got them at the super market but you can also get them at trader joe's or any health store. It's so worth it!!!

Think thin... keep strong!! :)

Thursday, August 1, 2013


So... i really shouldn't have wrote having a bad day on that post i made before coz when ur ana... or mia... u really aren't the happiest person and you alsp aren't really sitting on the top of the world.
So...i feel quite frustrated... i can't find anything at all to stop being hungry.
The wierd thing is that i get really hungry only during the mornings.. when i'm at work and there's people worrying about my habbits and offering me food... i try to hide but sometimes they reach you...

Anyways i'm stuck at 106 lbs i just can't get below that...

I mean ysterday i was doing alright but then i ate a bunch of cookies and nachos and i purged... and thrn i had a burguer and fries and purged again... god i really need to quit... and then i got home and i was starving again and i had a bowl of cereal and and a fried egg sandwich... and i wake up this morning and im 0.2 lbs lower i thought wtf?? How the hell did my body managed to lose that tiny amount of weight... if i had that big dinner.. apart from purging all day???

Anyways i desperately need help about suppresing my morning appetite... coffee was good help b4 but now it just maks me feel nauseas all the time...

Please help??? Anybody???

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Adderall, strattera, ritalin????

Have you heard about these meds???
All i know is they give you a kick on your nerves system if you are an add type of person... but what does it do to normal people?... what are the side effects.
Well i'm not a doctor but i've done a bit of research and apparently... theae meda can fool your brain for hours to make u believe u dont need to eat... and that's probably the only side effect i care about... and it's actually a really positive one... anyways...
The bad thing about all this... is that you need a prescription unless you buy the generic types... which you can probably get at amazon or so... like adder xr (generic of adderall), or plain generic strattera.
I find it quite difficult sometimes coz i work more than 8 hours everyday... and i have to wake up at 5.30 am too... so i find ot quite difficult... to work on an empty stomach or even workout when i get home... and since im trying to leave mia behind and concentrate on ana... some of these products ... could certainly make me feel more alive... focus... and eat practically nothing... whereas some people might think it's crazy to think like this... i hope some might follow me in my journey and help me out a bit???

Have you guys tried any of these products?.... please help??? Do you know how i can get one of these without a prescription???
I'm all ears... or in this case.. all eyes...

Keep strong... think thin xxx

Despiteful food inside

Have you ever just felt... really sick... no matter how hungry u are? No matter how long u've starved yourself?.
Well i have... i don't know if the reason are diets pills...dehydration...purging... whatever i feel tired and hungry... but i know i'll be sick if i eat... and my head hurts too..

Anyways have you ever felt this way?? Even if you just have a tiny peanut in ur tummy??? Have u ever felt so sick??? ...
It isn't really that kind of empty stomach super lovely ana feeling... it's more like... can someone shoot me please? God i feek sick lol.

What can you do to feel better?... how can you posibly feel any better?

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thinspo - Mischa Barton

Oh dear beloved Mischa... what in hell happened to you...
We can be sure she was super lovely back in the day...

Maybe some day she will go back to her senses... please ana help her... like you are helping us

Enjoy x

Purging tips

I'm trying to quit mia... but i've always have my ana buddies asking... how can i purge so easily... please if you don't purge already... try not to start... and if you do... try just to do it in emergencies...and stop doing it eventually....

Things you should never purge
- cookie dough.
- hard meat.
- hard bread (like pizza bread).
- chocolate.
- cereal.
- spicy stuff.
- peanut butter.
- pretty much anything sticky or that might hurt u while coming up...
Trust me if you try to purge this kind of stuff you will probably hurt yourself or just waste your time coz it will just never come out..

Purging tips...

1. Eat really slow, chew really well and drink wsomething with every bite you take.
2. Drink something hot when ur done binging an wait about 10 mins... then you can will soften your food inside.
3. Weigh yourself 3 times. Before you binge.... before your purge... and after your purge... only this way you will know if you took all that nasty food out... somtimes you might even weight less.
4. Always lean towars the wc while ur standing up, never be on your knees other ways you won't purge properly.
5. Some girls say you should eat something like a mark... something u can notice while going out... ur supposed to eat that before you binge... so that when ur purging... ull be done when you see that mark...maybe something blue like a blueberry???
6. Don't brush your teeth immediately .just water your mouth. So that you don't spread all the acid around your mouth.
7. If you feel dizzy and anxious afterwards drink a big glass of water and lay down for a bit... or just drink a doet coke it will make you feel better.
8. Try eating tomatoes or bananas they will help you raise your potasium... lost while purging... the tomatoe has much less hals... or try drinking some gatorade not to dehydrate.
9. Cut your god damn nails... you don't want to make your throat bleed right?. You can also colour them if your parents take you oftem to the doc.
10. Take a lax right after you purge... it will get rid of the stuff you weren't able to purge...i recommend strongly 2 dulcolax tablets.
11. Never purge immediately after you eat... wait around 10-15 mins but don't wait so long that you've already digested your food. Maybe lay for a but on your stomach too.
12. If peoplecan hear you... pretend your taking a shower... bring a glass with you there and purge in the glass then pour it in the wc everytime it's full...u cam hide that purging glass under the sink.... trust me... no one will hear you.
13. Never let anyone see you rush to the toilet... they will only's also much better if you binge when no one can see you... otherwise they'll be watching you.
14. Throw some toilet paper in the wc before you purge... it will help not to splash all the vomit back to your face...

Anyways those are my ideas... ir has worked well for me... maybe it will work for you too... but try not to purge... that much if you want to live a long life and enjoy your skinny body when you get there.

Rachel Bilson thinspo

I really love this girl... coz she is short and brunnet me... but i don't have her perfect body though! :(

I will get there soon i promise...

As for now enjoy ... short girls ;)

Stay strong xxxx